Efficient Cooling & Air Conditioning Repair Done Right

Dependable AC Repair and Service at an Affordable Price

Call Upstate Home Maintenance Services for air conditioning repair in Spartanburg and beyond. Our professional air conditioning repair team can fix any make or model air conditioner. When the temperatures rise, the last thing you want is to be hot and sweaty when you should be comfortable in your own home. Our technicians will resolve your AC issues today! Don’t hesitate to call us today.

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AIr Conditioning Repair

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AIr Conditioning Installation

Highest Quality Air Conditioning Repairs in the upstate

Trust our qualified HVAC experts for professional Air Conditioning Repair. We quickly diagnose and fix issues like leaky ducts, faulty fans, blocked drainage lines, or frozen coils at an industry-beating price. Get your HVAC system running like new again. Call today for your air conditioning repair needs.

Air Conditioning Service That’s Actually Easy

A reliable and cost-effective air conditioning system is a must. Don’t let a problem with your AC upset your comfort. Get an air conditioning repair or tune-up from Upstate Home Maintenance Services to ensure a smooth-running system during the hot summer months. Avoid unexpected breakdowns by relying on our expert HVAC repair team.

Does Your AC System Need Maintenance?

Regular maintenance is vital for efficient and effective air conditioning systems. Ensure an annual check-up before the hot summer weather arrives. If your AC system isn’t working as well as you believe it should, don’t hesitate to call us today.

questions? call today and schedule a service call!

Cooling service frequently asked questions

Why is my AC not cooling?
There are a variety of common reasons why an AC is not generating cold air when turned on:

  • Dirty or blocked air filter
  • Dirty Evaporator Coil
  • Thermistor malfunction
  • Broken fan motor
  • Broken capacitor preventing the compressor from functioning
  • Malfunctioning PCB assembly or electronic control board

Dirty or broken thermostat sensor

Before you attempt to fix any of these problems, it is a good idea to seek the professional advice of a qualified HVAC expert.

How do I reset my air conditioning unit?
The first course of action that you should take if your cooling unit is not functioning correctly is to reset it. To do this, turn off your air conditioner at the thermostat. Then, locate the circuit breaker and flick the switch that corresponds to the air conditioner on and off. Wait for 30 minutes before switching the thermostat back to “cool” again. Make sure that it is set to at least five degrees below room temperature.
How do you know if your AC is low on refrigerant?
An air conditioning unit is built around a sealed refrigerant system. In theory, it should never need to be topped up with extra refrigerant. On occasion, however, a system may develop a refrigerant leak and require extra refrigerant.

Signs that a cooling unit needs a refrigerant top-up may include insufficient cooling, vents blowing warm air, a frozen refrigerant line, higher than normal electricity bills, and/or strange sounds coming from the refrigerant line

What is the cost of replacing an exterior AC unit?
The cost of a replacement exterior AC unit will depend on the make, model, and capacity of the unit that you purchase. Expect to pay an average of between $1,500 and $4,000 for a new unit.
Where is the reset button on my AC unit?
All modern air conditioning units have a reset button on them somewhere. Small and red in size, the button is usually located somewhere on the exterior housing of the unit. If you are unsure where the button is on your AC, you can find it by consulting the instruction manual.
How do you tell if your AC is broken?

If you know what you are looking for, you can usually detect problems before they become serious and need expensive repairs. If your unit is exhibiting any of these symptoms, you should call a professional HVAC contractor for advice on air conditioning repairs as soon as possible:

What causes an AC to freeze in summer?
An AC can freeze in summer for a range of reasons. Among these, low airflow to the coils is one of the most common. An Evaporator Coil needs a fresh supply of warm air to transfer the cold to or else they freeze. Another obvious sign is frost buildup on outdoor ac refrigerant lines.

Other reasons for freezing include low refrigerant pressure and mechanical problems with the components inside the unit.

What is the cost of fixing an air conditioner?
The cost of repairing an air conditioner will depend on the contractor’s labor cost, the type of repair needed, and the cost of replacement parts.

In cases where something as simple as the fan motor needs to be replaced, you are looking at a total cost of between $100-$700. However, if you need a completely new air compressor, you will probably have to pay somewhere in the region of $1,350-$2,300.

How do you defrost an air conditioner?
A frozen evaporator coil is one of the most common issues that affect an air conditioning unit. When the inside of the unit is frozen, the system will lose the capacity to generate cold air.

The procedure to defrost an air conditioner is simple. Turn off the thermostat and leave the fan running for five to six hours. At the end of this time, the ice should have melted, and you can use the air conditioning again.

If your unit is regularly freezing, you likely have a refrigerant leak or some other problem that needs to be solved by an HVAC professional.

How do you troubleshoot an air conditioner?
A frozen evaporator coil is one of the most common issues that affect an air conditioning unit. When the inside of the unit is frozen, the system will lose the capacity to generate cold air.

The procedure to defrost an air conditioner is simple. Turn off the thermostat and leave the fan running for five to six hours. At the end of this time, the ice should have melted, and you can use the air conditioning again.

If your unit is regularly freezing, you likely have a refrigerant leak or some other problem that needs to be solved by an HVAC professional.

What is the cost of topping up the refrigerant in a central air unit?
Topping up the refrigerant in an air conditioning unit will cost between $60 and $100 depending on the size and type of the unit.
What would cause my central air unit to stop working?
Air conditioning units may stop working for a number of reasons, but the most common causes are:

  • Ductwork leaks
  • Thermostat sensor issues
  • Blocked drains
  • Low refrigerant levels
  • Frozen or dirty refrigerator coils
  • Fan issues
  • Short or Long cycling

If your unit is suffering from any of the problems here, you should call out an HVAC contractor today. If left unaddressed, these issues could develop into more serious problems.

How long does it take AC to thaw?
If your AC suffers from low airflow for whatever reason, the evaporator coils will freeze up. When this happens, you should turn off the cold air, leave the fan running, and wait for it to thaw. This process usually takes around 5-6 hours to complete, after which you should be able to use your AC as usual again.

If your unit has not defrosted after 24 hours, your AC likely has a more severe problem that needs to be addressed. In this case, you should call a licensed HVAC professional immediately to improve airflow and check for refrigerant leaks.