Furnace Installation

Affordable & Trustworthy Furnace Installation and Maintenance

When considering whether to invest in a new furnace, factors like low energy efficiency and inadequate heating capacity play a significant role. The variety of furnace types available can be overwhelming for non-experts in HVAC systems. To make the right decision, consider your home’s needs, energy efficiency goals, and budget. Seeking assistance from a qualified HVAC professional is advisable to ensure you choose the best-suited option.

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Heating & Furnace Repair

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Heat Pump Installation & Repair

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Furnace Installation

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Smart Home Thermostat

Furnace Installations

A quality furnace is essential to keep your home comfortable during the colder winter months. When considering furnace installation, keep in mind factors like fuel sources, energy efficiency, blower types, zoning systems, and thermostat technology. It is crucial to seek the assistance of a licensed HVAC professional for the installation, as it requires specialized skills to ensure optimal performance.

Furnace Maintenance

Furnace maintenance is crucial for uninterrupted heating during the long winter months. This involves verifying and cleaning the system’s vital components, adjusting and lubricating them if needed, and checking for debris and blockages in the vents and ductwork. Given the complexity of furnace maintenance, it’s advisable to hire a skilled HVAC contractor for this task at least once a year. This ensures the unit works safely and effectively, protecting your investment in this expensive piece of equipment.

how long Should your heating unit last?

There is very little that is more important than keeping your family warm. Sure, it can be expensive, but we will do everything in our power to get your heating system working as well as possible for as long as possible. So what is the expected lifespan of your heating unit? Or what you can do in the meantime to be sure it is maintaining its functionality and longevity for your family and for your wallet?

One question we hear pretty often is “How long will my heating unit last?”. There are so many factors to take into consideration. We can provide you with some basic information on extending the average heating unit life span, unit replacement signs, and some ways you can delay that expense.

factors that will affect how long your heating unit will last:

Make and model of the unit


Frequency and quality of the heating unit maintenance

Too much moisture can cause heater components to rust and therefore have premature breakdowns. Moisture is especially harmful in cheaper produced components.

Proper installation

According to ENERGY STAR®, more than half of all new HVAC systems are improperly installed. As a result, rated efficiency levels are shown to be reduced by as much as 30% which can also lead to premature breakdowns and issues.
Several factors play a role in how long your heating unit will last. No one thing specifically will be able to tell you how long your furnace will last (age, tune-ups, humidity levels, or installation).

Homeowners with heating units over 15 years old, would absolutely experience significant savings in the long run by replacing their old system rather than continuing to spend more money on repeated repairs. Older heating units tend to be really inefficient and can cost you hundreds of extra dollars on yearly operating costs, just in lack of efficiency.

questions? call today and schedule a service call!

Repairs and Retrofitting Services

We install many makes and models of top-quality brands, chosen for the reputation and backing of their hardware and products.

We’ll remove your old system as part of our replacement services for you and your family. We can also check your ductwork and make any needed repairs or upgrades to match your new heating system. If you would like to replace your old heating system with a new, greener, and more energy-efficient model, we’re the company to call in South Carolina.

Call the experts at Upstate Home Maintenance Service for heating replacement services in towns and communities all around the Upstate area. We offer a variety of quality brands, chosen for their long life and efficiency here with our climate in South Carolina.
We also provide retrofitting services for customers who are seeking to save energy as well as lower their monthly utility bills. We can remove your old system safely for you. Our extensive seasonal maintenance services can prevent costly repairs throughout the year and help your system last longer saving you money.